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  • [ 海外訊息 ]澳洲統一由當地經銷配送

IAIM Infant Massage Instructor Certification

Bonding & Attachment

Infant massage has been practiced in many countries around the world for many years, and has been a traditional way for families to raise their children. The benefits of infant massage have been proven in many empirical studies to increase bonding and attachment.

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International Association of Infant Massage, IAIM

Infant Massage helps to enhance the bonding and attachment between parent and child. It is currently used by most high-risk groups (preterm babies, special needs children, etc.) and can truly enhance the potential of infants and toddlers in general. Infant massage is no longer just something you read about in books or magazines, but more and more families are taking part in infant massage courses taught by internationally qualified instructors in infant massage. Infant massage has become the new mainstream of modern parenting.

Class Information

This course is in accordance with the training requirements of the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM).
Full participation of 4 days is required.
All courses are conducted in Chinese

Training Fee
The total cost of the 4-day professional training program is NT$46,000 including a free IAIM towel!

Early Bird Discount
Taichung Venue Before November 7, 2023
Those who register and complete the payment can enjoy the early bird discount price of NT$43,500 and recieve two free IAIM towels!

Other discounts
Special price of NT$43,500 for a group of 3 or more, and two IAIM towels will be given as a free gift.
**All offers are subject to the completion of remittance, the number of places is limited, the first remittance in order of acceptance**.



9:00 to 17:00 daily (check-in at 8:30 on day 1)
Fengyi Municipal Plaza

Venue: Classroom 301, Fengyi Municipal Plaza

Fengyi Municipal Plaza
(3F, No. 386, Municipal Road, Xitun District, Taichung City)
Time:December 7 - December 10, 2023
Trainer: Eliza Keh
4 days in Chinese, full participation required.

Sense of fulfillment

Seeing the growth and changes in each baby and their parents makes me so happy for them, and I feel a great sense of fulfillment!

Spreading Love with Hands

Don't miss this baby training class. This class is not just about the teacher's guidance, but you will learn to be your own teacher, and hopefully, the concept of spreading love with your hands" will continue to be passed on!

Gift of Love

During the baby massage class, when I saw the expression of the mother interacting with her baby, I felt full of love and emotion, and realized that this is a gift of love from birth.